Not every kid should get a trophy.

I  don’t  think  people  should  get  a  trophy  if  they  don’t  deserve  it.Like  if  you  play  baseball  and  your  team  works  so  hard  and  the  other  team  just  lays  around  and  swim  in  the  pool  and  don’t  practice  and   ya’ll  and  work  so  hard  and  ya’ll  win  and  both  teams  get’s  a trophy  it’s  not  fair.And  that’s  why  I  don’t  think  all  kids  should  not  get  a  trophy.

The Best Book Ever

Our class is reading a book about a pioneer girl and her friends and family.The main characters are:



Tante Lisette





Frau Kaufmann

And many more.My favorite part is when Mina was kidnapped by a Indian.She got away by spitting in his face and making the horse loose balance making it trip and tumble and then thats when Mina got away.But the saddest part is when Mina’s hand is all bloody when she tried to grab the branch.I don’t want to tell you all the details you will have to read the book.

                                                 Chapter  Visitors This is my favorite picture!

Water Conservation

We need to start saving water at home.We can save water by terning  off the water facet while brushing your teeth.We are getting more population so you better get busy.You can also save water by taking a shorter showers and you should take a shower then a bath.You could also take a cooler showers then hot.Last but not lest you can do laundry once a week.SO DON’T WAST WATER.

The Best Gift

The best gift I had ever given was a diamond necklace that my cousin wanted for so long.Her little sister got one,so I thought that I would get one.I waited until her birthday,and it finaly came.It felt like two years,but it was really  a month away.So when she opened the rapper and saw the necklace she got all hyper and started to dance around in a circle.She was so happy because I got it for her and she hugged me really tight and said thank you.That is the best gift i had ever givin.

Row Your Site

The anaconda is a type of reptile.It’s habitat is near warter in a tropical rainforest.It’s diet is fish,birds,turtles,snakes,caimans,rodents,monkeys,pigs,and deer.It’s life span can go up to 30 years but it is not poisonous.It’s baby’s are called snakelets.The group that they live in is called a nest,bed,or pit.There predators are poeple.Now you leanrd a cuple facts about anaconda you might learn more.